Meet the world’s #1 breast milk shipping service
Moms at These Companies Love Us

Pumping at Conferences
Pumping at conferences is the ultimate balancing act—finding private spaces, managing your event and pumping schedule, and then figuring out how to safely store and transport your breast milk.
Milk Stork provides reliable, convenient breast milk shipping solutions, so you can focus on your work while we handle getting your breast milk home.

Milk Stork Services for Pumping at Conferences
Whether you need to ship, carry, or check it—frozen or refrigerated—Milk Stork offers versatile travel solutions to get your breast milk home safely.
Why Working Moms Love Milk Stork

"Made it so easy—cooler box was delivered to my hotel, I filled it up, and shipped it home the next day. It arrived cold and safe! Milk Stork made the emotional experience of leaving my four month old more tolerable and convenient. So grateful to have this benefit through work!"

"Milk Stork made it possible for me to meet the demands of my jobs while also meeting the demands of nourishing my child with the breastmilk I work so hard at producing for him. Simply one of the most impactful companies I have ever utilized in my life. Thank you."

"It's easy, convenient, well thought out process. Such a game changer for traveling and pumping. It definitely allowed me to continue breastfeeding my son when I normally would have quit while traveling. I love this service and would recommend it to absolutely any mother who wants to continue breastfeeding. I also love that my employer sponsors the program. An absolute gamechanger."

"Milk Stork made it so incredibly easy and stress free to continue to pump while traveling for work and not having to stress about how I'd get all of my milk home. Such a great service that I wish more employers would provide as a benefit for its employees!"

"I've used Milk Stork to ship breast milk home from a work trip, and that benefit made me excited to go on the trip without worrying about the logistics of feeding my baby."

"Milk Stork makes an otherwise very stressful and logistically challenging aspect of work travel simple and streamlined. When I have to leave my baby at home, I breathe a sigh of relief knowing I have Milk Stork on my team. They say it takes a village, and I’m grateful Milk Stork is part of mine!"